Monday, October 1, 2012

Moderately Politically Active? I'd say so!

       Hello everyone! My name is Clay Patterson, and apparently I am a Libertarian (according to Political Typology). However, I believe I more Republican than most Libertarians because I believe that companies make too much money and that stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost to the country. My Parents are both strongly Republican, so I like to think my beliefs have stemmed from theirs. Last summer I had the privilege of attending Texas Boys' State, a camp in which 900 boys from all around Texas learn about political process and create a State government of their own. We elected numerous positions, ranging from county attorney all the way up the chain to governor. I ran for county attorney which let me learn first-hand the art of campaigning and voting. After taking the Civics Quiz, I earned a 63.64%, that's 8.64% higher than the average college professor!
       Overall, my experience from Boys State, lessons from my parents, and results from these quizzes lead me to believe that I am mostly Republican and moderately politically active (even though I'm unfortunately too young to vote in the upcoming 2012 election).

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