Friday, October 26, 2012

Gun Control Problems!

      Looking through Think Progress's posts, I stumbled across an intriguing story involving national gun control. Now, many people are on the fence about the federal government's need to get involved in controlling the sales of guns, but in this instance I'm all for it. In this Story, a mass murderer, who would otherwise be unable to buy a gun, found a loophole that allowed him to purchase one easily. According to the post, the man had killed three and injured four in a day spa before killing himself. Also, in the United States, only people with clean criminal records are allowed to purchase a gun. However, he was able to purchase it online without restriction since most online sellers just want the cash without the hassle of background checks.
      This post caught my attention because gun control is a big issue in the United States. Some believe gun control should be stricter while others think the entire opposite, that guns should be more easily attainable. After reading the post, I believe his intended audience was the general public in an effort to rile people up enough to bring this to the attention of the authorities. Although I'm net very sure of his credibility, he did do his research. Ian Millhiser, the author, quoted the results of a New York police investigation in which the online illegal arms sales were taking place.
      The whole story seems pretty serious, and it seems that the police should be cracking down on this. If they've already been investigating, why hasn't this loophole been brought to the attention of lawmakers? The author doesn't explicitly say anything supporting stricter or looser control of firearms, but the tone of the post is generally that of disapproval. His thought process is very clear though; he organized the post in an easy go understand way that had the reader make an opinion and then read about what is currently being done. Overall, I agree with the thought of stricter gun control, or at least the closing of the loophole that the author seems to support. The fact that a mass murderer was able to commit his crime because of this loophole should be grounds for the immediate closure. If there wasn't this easy way out, maybe those lives would've been saved, and the others without injury. The man's wife was killed by him as well, only adding to the ridiculousness. It's sad to think that this horrible mass murder had to happen for the problems within the system to come to light.

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