Monday, December 3, 2012

Obamacare- My Take

      In response to Chrystina Goin's blog postI think she bring up a good point. Healthcare is a very touchy subject at the moment, and if Obamacare was perfect for the US, I too think it would be a law. The problem is that we are split. Not just Republican and Democrats, but rather into classes within those subsections. The majority of the ridiculously wealthy disprove of the law whereas the majority of the people below poverty level approve of it. This is self-explanatory though, since the rich can afford their own "premier" healthcare while the poor cannot- but what about the poor that do not want to buy healthcare? Why would it be mandatory?

      I find it hard to believe that the President will be able to cope for the cost of this law in addition to the 4 trillion dollar deficit cut, especially when we are currently heading for the fiscal cliff! Candace Fitzgerald says that if everyone pays, costs will go down. This may be true, but they will only be reduced from what they are going to be, not from what they are today. The government still will have to fund the "tax cuts" for the people under the poverty level.

      She made a good point about raising taxes- it seems to be the solution to every budget problem, but I believe the central government is beginning to get too large. The Obamacare system will only increase the size, which will in turn increase the taxes. With the costs of healthcare rising to accommodate this law, people will hire less because they can't afford to pay the healthcare for their employees. Then, the system will crash and we will have to devise a new one. Why don't we create a solution now; one that everyone agrees on- perhaps not fully, but at least accepts. If we are having so many arguments over the healthcare system currently, why should it be implemented?

      My biggest concern, like she mentioned, is the effect on the quality of care and on us. If the doctors are not getting appreciated and valued for their success, where is there motivation to succeed? With Obamacare, equal care would be given to all, so the medical staff would be very restricted on their actions. I believe that this system deprives us of our freedom, something that should not be allowed tampered with especially in this great country. If we throw away all the Republican, Democrat, rich, poor, all of that nonsense, we are all, in our hearts, citizens of the United States- this is what we should make decisions as. I hope that we as a nation will reach consensus on which method of approaching healthcare will serve us best soon- even if it is socialist, capitalist, or even a mixture of both.

Candace Fitzgerald's comment:

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